To follow an indefinite dream.

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To follow an Indefinite Dream
by Jamie: Captain of The Swedish Plastics


I'm doing my internship as a professional groupie! It's kind of surreal that I'm actually doing an internship for a university in Sweden as a professional groupie. I started thinking about what led me to this point. When I was 23, I just quit my education because it didn't feel right. I moved back to my father's house and started working in the same restaurant as my mother. I didn't know what I wanted to do or become. I felt really lost after my education didn't work out and I knew I had to start over again, but I didn't know where to begin.

 But that summer, I went to a meet and greet and met my favorite rock star that I had been listening to since I was a child, Meat Loaf. When we got there, a women greeted us and showed us around backstage and I was so jealous and thought she had the best job ever. Then when it was time to meet Meat Loaf, he asked me what I was doing for work? I looked a little hesitant and told him that I was working in a restaurant, but didn't want to make a profession of it. He looked at me holding his hand on my shoulder and told me, "Oh, you're like me? You haven't figured out what you want to do when you grow up?" And I said, "Yes exactly! I'm just like you."  From that moment, I didn't feel so lost anymore. I knew that I wasn't alone in my indecision and that I still had time to figure it out. I still didn't know what to do with my life, but I had gotten an idea. I couldn't really stop thinking about the woman with the best job ever and decided that I wanted to work with rock bands and music, too. That's where my passion was, my will to live. I always loved to go to concerts and always felt more comfortable hanging out with rock stars than other people.

 A couple of years later I started studying Cultural Leadership. I still didn't know what I wanted to do more than work with music and this education gave me everything I needed to know to do that. When I had been studying for about two years, a classmate and I started to talk about our essays and what to write about. I had an idea to write about groupies and she thought that was perfect for me. My classmate said that a career as a groupie would be perfect for me. But you can't work as a groupie... or can you? I started searching on the Internet after famous groupies to write about in my essay and stumbled upon Lexa Vonn and the Plastics. There it was, the thing my classmate and I had been talking about, working as a groupie.

 Being a professional groupie working with music and rock bands felt so right! I've always been fascinated with groupies and the life they live. With the essay I wrote, I had to study the groupie world and I got more and more fascinated with it. Every movie and book about groupies made me start dreaming of a life I didn't have but wanted. Now I'm here and are doing my internship for Lexa Vonn as a Plastics Professional Groupie and I finally found what I want to do. It feels so right for me and I'm happy to not be lost anymore. In two weeks I will meet Meat Loaf again and after five years I will be able to tell him that I finally figured out what I want to become when I grow up.



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